
November 24


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Happy Thanksgiving! I know most of you are probably en route to friend’s or family’s houses, or getting your own place ready for the holiday, but in case you find yourself over here today, I wanted to spend a little time giving thanks to you. THANK YOU for being here and for following this journey. THANK YOU for spreading kindness and positivity each day with us. THANK YOU for interacting, asking questions and engaging in the content that we make for you. It’s because of you that we get to do what we love to do every single day, and that’s create and connect. To know that people are reading, writing, getting inspired, making changes, feeling more confident or stepping out of their comfort zone because of what we’re sharing is incredibly moving and we feel touched by every person we get the chance to talk to. It makes it all feel so very real and that it means something. I’ve grown up here with you, and I continue to grow here every single day. With new life experiences, learning curves, trying out new things and taking on different challenges, we’ve all been here together. Whether you’re a new reader or have been following since my college days, I’m so glad you stumbled upon Gal Meets Glam and I’m excited to continue this journey together.

I hope you all have a peaceful and appreciative Thanksgiving, surrounded by loved ones, eating too much turkey and pie!

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