
January 4

New Year, New Goals

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Instead of setting resolutions this year, that always feel unattainable and never actually take flight, I’m setting a list of goals for both my professional and personal life. To tell yourself that you’re absolutely going to do or not do something is just plain unrealistic, as we never know what surprises may pop up throughout the year. Setting goals feels more like an ambition than a restriction, which is a lot healthier in my opinion. Thomas and I both always create goals throughout the year, but I’m starting off this month with my list of what I think are going to be the most important things for me to address in my life this year. Throughout the year, I’ll continue to reassess the relevance and progress of goals on this list. Some goals might be refined, removed or added. So here’s my list for right now:


  • Be open to meeting new people. Especially living in a new city, I think it’s important for both of us to set time aside for getting together with new people and dates with new friends.
  • Address my anxiety. This is something that I’ve lived with for a long time, and I want to learn how to handle it better.
  • Spend less time on less important things. This is sort of an obvious one, but a lot easier said than done.
  • Put down my phone more often. This one is pretty much on every single list I have. It’s so important to disconnect, especially with a career that thrives on being present online.
  • Give things my full attention until they are finished instead of getting distracted.
  • Learn a new sport, such as tennis or golf. I used to play tennis when I was younger and I would love to pick it up again.
  • Align myself and fight for a cause bigger than me. Thomas and I are both passionate about different causes and give back during the year, but I want to make an effort in doing more than just giving back and involve myself deeper.
  • Spend one weeknight each week, doing something other than working. I would love to take a mixture of classes, try out new restaurants, or read more.
  • Set aside more time to work on GMG vs work in GMG. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day demands of work, but it’s so important to spend more time doing things that will impact the business in the future.


What are some of your goals for this new year? I’d love to hear!

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